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School Site Council

What is the School Site Council?

The School Site Council (SSC) is a team of parents, teachers, administrators and staff who work together to support student achievement. Representing different parts of the school community, the SSC members come together to support the school improvement process outlined in the school’s plan.

School Plan for Student Achievement

SSC members work to develop and regularly assess the School Plan, and monitor its implementation.

Simonds School receives supplemental educational improvement monies from the district and state, including the School Improvement (SIP) Fund, Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Fund and Limited English Proficient (LEP) Fund. It is required that the SSC meet to discuss school, student and staff needs, and work together to ensure that these funds are allocated according to these needs.

What is the School Plan for Student Achievement ?
Important elements of the School Plan for Student Achievement include:

  • Information about the school’s vision statement
  • Description of the school community and services
  • Outline of current educational programs and staffing
  • Analysis of student performance including API scores
  • Outline of the core curriculum and curricular priorities
  • Needs assessment and evaluation based on parent and staff input
  • Budget information on how funds are being allocated
  • Plan for Categorical Program Monitoring (CPM)
  • Plans for Staff Development

When and where does the SSC meet?
The SSC meets one Wednesday each month at 3:30 PM in Room E-2.  All SSC meetings are open to the public. Scheduled meetings: 8/22/23, 10/13/2312/5/231/30/24, 3/26/24, 4/30/24, and 5/21/24.

How can I communicate with the SSC?

  • Anyone with a concern or point of discussion is welcome to contact one of the SSC members via email, phone or message left in the office. You will be contacted and your concern, if warranted, will be brought to the SSC meeting for action.
  • The annual school survey is a great way to express your views or concerns.

You can become a member of the SSC!
Elections are usually held in the Spring, but they can be held as needed. Parent representatives serve a two-year term, and terms are staggered to ensure a mix of experienced and new participants.
If you would like to view a copy of the School Plan for Student Achievement, a reference copy is available in the school office.